Quizzing Cassidy

We officially launched Ponderings yesterday with a Facebook Live interview with David Cassidy, lead pastor at Christ Community Church in Franklin, Tennessee. Our Resident Ponderers posed questions ranging from how the church needs to adapt its practices (letting go of some old ways of doing things and picking up some new ones), to how to cultivate deep friendships, to how think well about the upcoming US election.

So check out this wide-ranging but engaging interview, then why not stick around and explore the rest of the content available? More blogs and interviews will be arriving very soon.

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National Executive Director at  | Website

Daniel is a gifted speaker, particularly on the topics of how community groups can partner with government, the role of faith in local services, and how to engage the community in local action.

Daniel previously worked as a history teacher in a London secondary school and later as training and development manager for a large voluntary sector organisation in east London.

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Recently back from America, Matt now divides his working week between a multi-faith charity and a CofE church plant. He is also studying for his MSc in Culture and Conflict in a Global Europe at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

In the midst of a tumultuous year, Matt has enjoyed settling into a new home in Dagenham with his wife and 6-month old daughter, and is celebrating the triumphal return of Leeds United to the Premier League.

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Jeremy has a background in Theology, as well as Art History, and maintains an interest in art practice and the intersections between faith and culture – as well as good coffee.

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David Cassidy
Lead Pastor at  | Website

David enjoys writing, photography, movies, culinary arts, poetry, reading all manner of books and screenplays, and hiking around Montana, and is life-long fan of the Packers, Cubs, Texas Longhorns, and Arsenal.

After growing up in Indiana, he served churches in England, Kentucky, and Texas before settling in Tennessee.